Insurance Services
Personal Insurance
Personal insurance coverage for peace-of-mind living
Specialized personal insurance needs demand specialized expertise to meet that need. Reid is extensively experienced in creating solutions that protect and preserve our clients’ financial and physical assets as well as their personal well-being.
Our team includes specialists in virtually every area of personal risk, from homeowners, automotive, watercraft, and private aviation insurance to coverage for travel, collectibles, domestic employees, and more.
We help our clients manage their exposure through strategically customized and cost-efficient products and tools that are designed to meet their short- and long-term goals. As an independent and objective partner in our clients’ wealth preservation and protection, we create the best line of defense for them to work and live with peace of mind.
Our personal insurance offerings include:
- Homeowners
- Flood
- Personal automobile
- Motorcycle
- Watercraft
- Umbrella policies
- Collectibles
- International travel
- Domestic employee
- Kidnap, ransom, and extortion
- Private aviation